Pnoy Declares All Out War vs Abu Sayyaf

President Pnoy declared "All Out War" against Abu Sayyaf Group(ASG). “We will not stop until the threat they pose to our communities is ended,”. "We have proven before that we will choose all-out justice over all-out-war. We have always believed in the power of dialogue, development, and positive engagement over arms. But we will always act from a position of strength. So, to the ASG , and whoever aid or abet them, you have chosen only the language of force, and we will speak to you only in that language." President Pnoy said in a statement two days after the beheading of the Canadian hostage.

President Pnoy said through a letter, personally extended his condolences to the family of the beheaded canadian Ridsdel who was kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf last September in Samal Island. " They allegedly even hatched plots to kidnap Manny Pacquiao or one of his children, as well as my sister Kris or one of her children, with the plan to use them in bargaining for the release of their cohorts" he added. "Casualties are to be expected. But what has to be of utmost importance is neutralizing the criminal activities of ASG. The men and women in our Armed Forces are well-trained, well-equipped and resourceful. I have full trust and confidence in them." President Pnoy said.

Air Strikes Kill 14 Abu Sayyaf Bandits

The Philippine Military said 14 Abu Sayyaf were killed in air strikes in Sulu days after they beheaded a Canadian hostage. Artillery fire rained on ASG positions while helicopter gunships flew over to drop rockets on the bandits that was believed to be holding atleast 20 hostages.  “As a result of the bombardments… they were able to occupy the former places occupied by the Abu Sayyaf that resulted in the recovery of Ridsdel’s torso,” military spokesperson Col. Noel Detoyato told reporters in Manila. The locals said 14 bandits were killed but no bodies were found. The offensive began last saturday which targeted the Abu Sayyaf Commander Radullan Sahiron.  President Aquino vowed to neutralize the bandits, who have declared allegiance to the Islamic State. 

The bandits hostages were 18 indonesian and malaysian nationals kidnapped in Philippine waters. MD-520, Huey helicopters and OV-10 bronco were deployed to support ground troops from the air. Atleast 18 government troops were killed in last clash that occured in Basilan. The troops were searching for the hostages held by the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG).  Military Offensive will continue until they neutralize the bandits and recover the hostages safe.

Philippine Air Force's AW-109E Attack Helicopters First Mission Will Be Against Abu Sayyaf in Southern Philippines.

The brand new AgustaWestland AW-109 "Power" attack helicopters of the Philippine Air Force will have their first operation deployment in mindanao by second quarter of 2016. It will have the same role as the MD-520 Attack Helicopter which is now deployed in mindanao. Philippine Air Force Major Gen. Galileo Gerard Kintanar said "all six newly-commissioned attack helicopters will be initially based at Danilo Atienza Air Base, Sangley Point, Cavite and will be utilized in internal security operations (ISO)". Danilo Atienza Air Base is the headquarters of the PAF's 15th Strike Wing, the Air Force's primary ground attack unit. "Some of them will be deployed in Mindanao.

That is where the aircraft is needed for ISO and hopefully all of them will be deployed by early 2017, so in 2016 we see the initial deployment of a couple of them by the second quarter and as we train more pilot to operate and fly them, all of them will be flying in deployment area by 2017," Kintanar said. The Philippine Government acquired 8 brand new attack helicopters the AW-109E from Agusta Westland worth P3.44 Billion in 2013. 2 of 8 attack helicopters were first commissioned last August 17, 2015 and the remaining 6 were in service of the Philippine Air Force last December 5, 2015. The AW-109 will serve as Close-Air-Support the same role as the front line attack helicopters of the PAF the MD-520.

AFP To Deploy More Troops To Fight Abu Sayyaf

The Armed Forces of the Philippines deployed more troops to fight Abu Sayyaf and rescue the hostages held by the terrorist group. The search and rescue operation are relentless in the areas of Sulu, Tawi-tawi and Basilan. “The operation has been ongoing. There is new information. That’s why we added additional troops... So, the operation did not stop, but if we have new information, we have new troops to address that,” Major Filemon Tan Jr., spokesperson of Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom).  The Abu Sayyaf release a video demanding to pay the ransom in exchange of the hostages.

After the deadline no ransom was paid which lead to the death of 1 of 3 Canadians held captive by the group. “We do not follow deadline. Whether it’s nearing or not, as long as we get the information, the troops will hit them,” Tan said. Aside from the Canadians, Abu Sayyaf 14 Indonesians and 4 Malaysians held captive a few weeks ago. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is doing its best to save the hostages and eradicate those terrorist group responsible for the series of kidnappings in Southern Philippines.

Military Offensive Against Abu Sayyaf Continues

Military offensive against Abu Sayyaf continues after the terrorist group beheaded one of the canadian hostages. The Canadian that was beheaded named John Ridsdel.  Major Filemon Tan Jr. said that the troops clashed with the militants in Patikul and reported 13 Abu Sayyaf casualties. The Philippine Air Force(PAF) provided air support, atleast 4 MD-520 Attack Helicopters were seen in the area as the troops move forward against the terrorist group. The military is concerned of the safety of the hostages and placed it as the highest priority in the offensive. 

The Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police condemned the brutal execution of the hostage. The Canadian Government is working with the Philippine Authorities to take down and punish those who are behind this kidnapping and execution. The military offensive against abu sayyaf will continue to eradicate them.

Abu Sayyaf Group(ASG) Kills Canadian Hostage

The Abu Sayyaf Group beheaded Canadian Hostage. His head was dumped outside the Jolo City Hall. Jolo is a jungle island known to be the stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf.  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Filipino authorities identified the victim as John Ridsdel, He was kidnapped 7 months ago along with another Canadian man, a Norwegian and a Filipina woman. "This was an act of cold-blooded murder and responsibility rests with the terrorist group who took him hostage," Trudeau said in Ottawa. They were abducted in Marina in Davao, around 300 miles from Jolo. Six weeks after the abduction, gunmen released a video of their hostages demanding $21 million each for the safe release of the 3 foreigners. In the most recent video, Ridsdel said his captors would kill him on April 25 if a ransom of $6.4 million was not paid.  After the deadline, police said two people on a motorbike dropped the head near city hall on Jolo. 

Canada is now working with the Philippine Authorities to pursue the killers. Philippine Security Forces were setting up checkpoints to block the movements of the group.Most recently, 18 Filipino soldiers were killed on April 9 when they encountered the Abu Sayyaf gunmen in Basilan. Abu Sayyaf is a radical muslim group waging violence since 1970 claiming more than 100,000 lives.

BRP Gregorio Del Pilar Will Participate in 2 Naval Exercises

The Philippine Navy (PN) will be deploying BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15) to this year's ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus Maritime Security & Counter-Terrorism Exercises and the Maritime Training Activity Seagull. BRP Gregorio Del Pilar (PF-15), a former US Coastguard Cutter, will depart the country this week, according to Lt. Cmdr. Marineth Domingo, the Navy's acting public affairs officer.  The Exercises will be held in Brunei and Singapore this May 1 to 12.

BRP Gregorio Del Pilar will leave Manila with a AW-109 Naval Helicopter and Naval Special Operations Team. "This 11-day multi-lateral exercise will be focusing on maritime security and counter-terrorism," Domingo said, referring to the first exercise dubbed ASEAN Defense Minister's Meeting-Plus Maritime Security and Counter-Terrorism Exercise 2016.  Eighteen countries will participate in the annual maneuvers and the 10 regular members are identified as the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The eight non-regular member countries are Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation and the United States. BRP Gregorio Del Pilar was acquired from the US Coastguard in 2011 followed by another retired US Coastguard Cutter named BRP Ramon Alcaraz in 2013. These are the two largest Philippine Navy ships in service today.

FA-50's Performance Impressed the Americans in Balikatan Exercise.

The American are impressed in the over all performance of the Philippine Air Force LIFT aircraft the FA-50.  Philippine Air Force pilots showed the Americans what the FA-50 can do in the joint flight  simulation exercise where they conducted an interception involving the FA-50 against other jets the Hawker Hunter. Due to its modern radar equipment the FA-50 easily detected the hostile aircraft and intercepted them with the help of Airborne Warning and Control System(AWACS).
The FA-50, which is based on the T-50 supersonic advanced trainer platform, is offered as an affordable and efficient supersonic advanced light attack platform. The combat aircraft is intended to meet the light fighter requirements of air forces around the world. The advanced radar provides the FA-50 with detection capability which is similar to that of the F-16 fighter.  The FA-50 is atleast 13.14m in length, 9.45m width and 4.82m in height. The aircraft weighs 6.47T(Empty). It can carry up to 4.5T of weapon load. Can be armed with an AIM-9 Sidewinder short range air-to-air missile, AGM-65 Maverick air-to-ground tactical missiles, GBU-38/B Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM), CBU-105 Sensor Fused Weapon (SFW), Mk-82 Low Drag General Purpose (LDGP) bombs and Cluster Bomb Units (CBUs). The aircraft is also mounted with an internal, three-barrel 20mm Gatling gun and LAU-3/A 19-tube 2.75" rocket launcher for firing Folding-Fin Aerial Rockets (FFAR). The wide range of weapon systems aboard the FA-50 allows it to counter multiple threats in today's complex battlefield scenario. The FA-50 has a General Electric F404-GE-102 turbofan engine with a 17,700lbf of thrust with afterburner. 

The Philippine Government ordered 12 units of FA-50 Fighter Jets to Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI)worth P18.9 Billion as part of the Modernization Program of the Philippine Military.

U.S. to provide the Philippines with Blimp to monitor activities in the West Philippine Sea

The United States will transfer an Observation Blimp to the Philippines to increase its capability in monitoring the West Philippine Sea. US ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg, said they will provide the Philippines with Radars, Sensors and Communications Equipment worth $42 million.  "We will add to its capability to put sensors on ships and put an aerostat blimp in the air to see into the maritime space," Goldberg said in a media interview.  The Blimp is balloon radar that will be used to monitor activities in the West Philippine Sea.
A Philippine Military Official said, this will improve our capability in monitoring activities in the West Philippine Sea. China claims almost entire West Philippine Sea which is believed to have an abundant oil and gas deposits. Countries like The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei also have claims in the region. China has been expanding its presence on its seven artificial islands in the Spratly archipelago and on Monday landed a military plane for the first time on one of them, Fiery Cross Reef.  The Philippines will receive $120 million U.S. military aid this year. This will be the largest aid since year 2000. Both countries signed a deal  allowing more US military presence on a rotational basis.

Philippine Navy's First Strategic Sealift Vessel is almost Ready to sail to the Philippines

Philippine Navy’s first Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) BRP Tarlac (LD-601) will be ready to sail to the Philippines. This will boost the Philippine Navy's capability specially in humanitarian and disaster response. The SSVs will be capable of transporting a large number of soldiers, logistics, and supplies, with each vessel able to house three helicopters. Indonesian Shipbuilder PT Pal won the contract worth P3.87 Billion. It is estimated to be completed by 2017.

“It’s akin to a car doing road test. The facilities and other navigational instruments are being tested to ensure seaworthiness, especially before its embarks on its voyage to the Philippines,” Navy spokesperson Colonel Edgard Arevalo.The first SSV is expected to be delivered before the 118th founding anniversary of the Philippine Navy(PN) on May 20.

M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems(HIMARS)

United States M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) have fired six practice rockets in Philippines April 4 as part of Balikatan 2016. The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is a U.S. light multiple rocket launcher mounted on a standard Army Medium TacticalVehicle (MTV) truck frame which cost around $5.1 million each. It can be transported by a C-130 cargo plane. 

Balikatan is the name for the annual militaryexercises between the Philippines and the United States. It is a Tagalog word meaning "shoulder-to-shoulder". The April 2016 10-day exercises is the 32nd iteration of theBalikatan exercises.

Agusta Westland AW-159 Wildcat will be Philippine Navy's Anti-Sub Helicopter

The Philippine Government and Agusta Westland formally signed the contract for Philippine Navy's Anti-Submarine Helicopters the AW-159 Wildcat worth P5.36 Billion. These helicopters will probably enhance the capability of our Navy. This will be deployed with the Philippine Navy's future two brand new frigates.

The AgustaWestland AW159 Wildcat (previously called the Future Lynx and Lynx Wildcat) is an improved version of the Westland Super Lynx military helicopter designed to serve in the battlefield utility, search and rescue and anti-surface warfare roles.The AW159 Wildcat, known as Future Lynx and Lynx Wildcat, is also used by the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy.

Philippines First MicroSatellite DIWATA-1 Finally Launched

Philippine's first Microsatellite has been finally launched. The satellite was assemble by filipino scientist and is set to be brought to the International Space Station (ISS) via Orbital ATK Commercial Resupply Services Flight 6(OA-6) Cygnus Spacecraft from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, USA around 11am Philippine Standard Time.

Diwata-1 is the first satellite of the venture and is also a part of the Department of Science and Technology's Philippine Scientific Earth Observation Micro-Satellite (PHL-Microsat) Program which was initiated in December 2014 by the government agency. The satellite is an updated version of the Raijin-2, which was developed by the two Japanese universities. A ground station based in the Philippines, the Philippine Earth Data Resources Observation (PEDRO) station, will have the control over the satellite.

Philippine Air Force FA-50 Fighter Jets to take part in the Annual Military Exercise the "Balikatan Exercise" by the US and Filipino Troops

The newly acquired brand new KAI FA-50 Fighter Jets will be seen at the upcoming Balikatan Exercise by the Filipino and US forces. Air Force Spokesperson said that their US Counterparts will teach Filipino Pilots how to intercept, interdict and conduct air support. The FA-50 is a new light combat aircraft manufactured by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). It is a light combat version of the T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic advanced jet trainer and light attack aircraft.

The FA-50, which is based on the T-50 supersonic advanced trainer platform, is offered as an affordable and efficient supersonic advanced light attack platform.The Philippines acquired 12 FA-50 aircrafts from South Korea worth P18.9 Billion. 2 had already been delivered and is it expected to be completed by 2017. Balikatan exercise will start by April 4 this year.

Royal Australian Navy Decommissioned Balikpapan Class Heavy Landing Craft Transfered to the Philippines

Three former Royal Australian Navy Balikpapan Class Landing Craft are to be transfered to the Philippines. A Dutch Company shared photos of one of its vessels loading three former Royal Australian Navy Landing Craft bound for Philippines.Three Vessels, HMAS Balikpapan, HMAS Wewak and HMAS Betano were retired by Australia in December 2012 while the remaining ships of the class Brunei, Labuan and Tarakan were decommisioned in November 2014.

Navy spokesman Capt. Lued Lincuna said the three LCHs were delivered and offloaded by a huge cargo vessel of NTG Shipping in Liloan, Cebu City last March 26. Prior to the delivery, two of the LCHs were picked up in Darwin and another in Cairns, Australia. The three are sister ships of BRP Ivatan (formerly HMAS Tarakan) and BRP Batak (ex-HMAS Brunei) that were commissioned into the Navy service last Aug. 10. Lincuna said the transport ships would be moved from Cebu to the shipyard in Sangley Point, Cavite in May in time for the Navy’s 118th founding anniversary. Australia previously gifted two landing crafts to the Philippine Navy. Ex-HMA Ships Tarakan and Brunei, were re-commissioned into the Philippine Navy as BRP Ivatan(AT298) and BRP Batak(AT299).

Missiles to be fired at Balikatan Exercise

This will be the first time for a missile launcher to be deployed during a Balikatan Exercise. It will show its firepower capability in a live-fire drill that will be held at Crow Valley in Tarlac. The M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) is a U.S. light multiple rocket launcher mounted on a standard Army Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV) truck frame.

The HIMARS carries six rockets or one MGM-140 ATACMS missile on the U.S. Army's new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) five-ton truck, and can launch the entire Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions (MFOM). HIMARS is interchangeable with the MLRS M270A1, carrying half the rocket load. HIMARS has a maximum range of 300 kilometers. The platform was tested back in 1998 by the US before it was deployed in 2005. HIMARS can fire six rockets it can also be loaded on a C-130 Aircraft for deployment. The arrival of the HIMARS are expect by the end of this month in Subic Bay.

5 US Navy Ships Will Participate in this Year's Balikatan Exercise

Military Spokesperson said 5 US Navy ships will participate in Balikatan Exercise this year. Capt Celeste Frank Sayson Balikatan Spokesperson did not classify the exact types of American ships that will participate exept one which is a "Missile Destroyer".Philippine Navy Ships are also expected to participate in this exercise. "Balikatan 2016" is scheduled to start this April 4 and expected to end on April 15.

Philippines Allowed the Americans to use 5 of its Military Bases under EDCA

The Philippines agreed to allow the American Military to use 5 of its military bases where the Americans could store their military equipment. US Deputy Assistant Secretary of  Defense Amy Searight said the agreement was reached under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).

The military bases that are allowed by the Philippine Government are Antonio Bautista Air Base, Fort Magsaysay, Mactan-Benito Ebuen Air Base, Bara Air Base and Lumbia Airport.  EDCA granted Washington increased military presence in the Philippines by allowing Troops, Ships and Fighter Planes to be stationed temporarily in Philippine Military Bases. Supreme Court confirmed its legality last January.

Philippine Navy's Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) Will Undergo Sea Worthiness This Month (March 2016)

Philippine Navy's(PN) First SSV(Strategic Sealift Vessel) will undergo sea worthiness this month before it will be delivered and commissioned to the Philippine Navy(PN). “The sea trial is done to check and ensure that all facilities and instruments are working before its voyage to the Philippines. It is a akin to a road test of a vehicle before it travels long distances,” said the Navy spokesperson, Col. Edgard Arevalo.

After the sea trials the ship will said to its home quarter in the Philippines which will boost the capability of the Philippine Navy(PN). The Navy is positive that the said ship will be home for the upcoming Philippine Navy Day on May. The second SSV is expected to be delivered next year (2017). These two Navy vessels were contracted with the Indonesian ship builder for P3.8 Billion.

Armed Forces of the Philippines Modernization Program

The Armed Forces of the Philippines is expecting more Assets in its inventory this 2016. The main reason to protect itself from external threats particularly from China. The incoming assets include FA-50 Fighter Jets for P18.9 Billion. The FA-50 is a new light combat aircraft manufactured by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), for the Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF). It is a light combat version of the T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic advanced jet trainer and light attack aircraft. Philippine Navy's SSV (Strategic Sealift Vessel) worth P3.87 Billion. The said vessels have a full load displacement of 11,583 tons. It can carry up to 500 troops and can accommodate two medium helicopters on its flight deck.The SSVs have a maximum range of 9,360 nautical miles, a top speed of 16 knots and an endurance of 30 days. 

Two more C-130's are expected to be delivered this year from the United States. This will be added to the 3 operational C-130s of the Philippine Air Force. 8 brand new Bell 412 combat utility helicopters, 8 Aw-109 Attack Helicopters and 2 Naval Choppers were also delivered. The Philippine Navy also received Balikpapan Class Landing Crafts from Australia. President Benigno Aquino III approved the “multi-year-contract” worth an estimated P44 billion for seven projects that was requested by Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin. These are two frigates, anti-submarine helicopters, amphibious assault vehicles for the Navy, munitions for the FA-50s, close-air support aircraft, air surveillance and long-range patrol aircraft. Philippine Government completed 65 projects under Aquino Administration.